
Mac 實用工具紀錄


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# 通常都用這個
mac-cleanup -u

Scroll Reverser

Scroll Reverser is a Mac app that reverses the direction of scrolling, with independent settings for trackpads and mice (including Magic Mouse).


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Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas

類似 Windows 上拖拉到邊緣可以快速分配視窗大小及配置。

官網 (opens in a new tab)

Screen Studio

Screen Recorder producing high-impact videos automatically.

要花錢買,折合台幣約 3,000(2024 年)。

錄影過程會自動判斷你的點擊行為,將影片做很滑順的 zoom in/out,位置或持續時間都可以自己後製,產出的影片非常讚。

官網 (opens in a new tab)